To get to where you’ve never been before you will have to become someone you’ve never been before..
..the version of yourself who is capable of running the business 10x more successful than its current form.
You will have to redesign the business to be less reliant on you, and ruthlessly hack away at the unessential to simplify any complexity and make the business more scalable.
(trying to scale complexity leads to pain, and the founder unconsciously sabotaging the business.)
You will need to learn to hire, fire and lead top performers.
(not having the right people in the right roles, not leveraging the team effectively and not trusting your team to deliver, will keep the business stuck no matter how hard you push them)
You will need to massively increase leverage, exit your roles and delegate effectively.
(if you don’t you will stay in the weeds with $10 or $100 tasks, that other people can do, while ignoring the exponential needle moving moves that will make massive growth a mathematical certainty – that only you can do)
Being addicted to the dopamine hit of completing lower level linear tasks, and staying busy working in the business, is the leading cause of business stagnation.
The greater the potential ROI of a task, the more emotional discomfort it will require you to hold.
You can spend those two hours working on a support ticket or a TED talk..
(the level of success you will experience is directly proportional to how much discomfort you are willing to tolerate.)
Continuous business growth requires consistently aligning your psychology to be in congruence with the outcomes you want.
(your current business is a mirror for your current psychological identity – the beliefs, thoughts, mental states, decision making, habits – and the results you currently have in your business is what your psychology is currently optimized to create.)
You also need to dramatically increase self care and your self worth in direct proportion to your ambition.
(the bigger the goal, the more self care is required to achieve it)
And of course you need to have what I call a rock solid internal management system, to be able to offset the increase in responsibility, transactions and pressure, with organization, habits, routines and process.
(if you are already under a lot of pressure, overwhelmed and stressed at the current level, your mind will not let you grow because you don’t have the capacity to handle more chaos)
This leads entrepreneurs to unconsciously sabotage growth, even though they are consciously doing everything to grow their business.
There is no book, course or youtube video that will help you do this because one size fits all models don’t work.
You have to solve for your unique blindspots and patterns.
You don’t need more information or the perfect strategy, you need the psychological optimization to maximize implementation of what you already know.